Monday, April 3, 2023

A to Z Challenge Letter B

For my artistic fun for the letter B I decided to enter the Spring Fling Contest and write about BEES!!! They have rules to follow, and we are to use a gif for inspiration. It can only be 150 words. Fun!

5 Little Buzzing Bees

Five little buzzing bees

Flying through fields and over trees

Find ten flowers 

And buzz with delight

Five flowers on the left

Five flowers on the right

Buzzing this way

Buzzing that way

Buzz, buzz,

Buzzing all day

Until one buzzing bee said

"Hey, come count with me!" 

"Buzz!" said one.

"Buzz, Buzz!" said two.

"Buzz, Buzz, Buzz!" said three.

"Let's count more!" said four.

Buzzy, Buzzy, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz!

Said five flying upside down.

So the five flew together counting buzzes, 

And other things close to the ground.

They counted five dandelions. 

They counted five big sticks.

"We could count the circles we make

When we fly and do fun tricks!" 

One circle

Two circles

Three, four, and five.

Then counting all the things they see

Flying to the hive.

Five big red balloons 

Floating slowly by

And five colorful clouds

That filled the evening sky.


  1. So cute! I can see these little bees buzzing everywhere :-)

    Ronel visiting for B:
    My Languishing TBR: B
    Birds of Faerie

  2. I used that picture because it made me laugh! So cute!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. What a beautiful poem you wrote there. Hi there is Swati visiting from #AprilAtoZChallenge.
    Drop in to say hi at
