Saturday, April 1, 2023

The A to Z Challenge Letter A

 It's April, and that means it's time for the A to Z Challenge! 

This A to Z challenge I've decided to do something fun each day! Today I should call my theme "I Should be Editing" since my latest mauscript is finished, but in honor of the letter A let's call it "Artistic Fun!" 

My home is literally the land of unfinished projects, but I think by the end of April I can make some fun happen! I can't wait to share some things with you along the way! 

Today is my blank canvas. I do mean that in the literal sense too. My blank canvas is over by my kitchen table! 

Happy A to Z, and I hope to visit with you soon! Tell me something in the comments that you like to do as an artistic outlet! 


  1. I have some unfinished projects lying around, too. Should probably do something about that...

    Ronel visiting for A:
    My Languishing TBR: A
    Accomplished Athena

    1. I am finding a lot of joy in completing some things! We shall see where this takes me! Thanks for visiting!

  2. I did collage for a couple of years for an artistic outlet. It helped me get past that fear of producing awful stuff because that's all I was capable of. Weirdly, that unlocked something for me and now I'm back to writing as my creative outlet.

    1. That's wonderful! Always great to find something that helps unlock creativity!
