Monday, September 12, 2011

Let's Celebrate Favorite Authors

In getting to know more bloggers, writers, poets, authors, moms, and friends I have discovered the art of writing on a new level, the art of reading in more genres, and the art of friendships in all areas of life. There's always common ground. Plant, nurture and watch your lives grow.

One area so many of us share..... books! Everyone has favorite authors they follow or books they hold dear, so I'll give you my list of Christian Fiction authors to enjoy. Let's call this....


So, here's the challenge for you. If you see even one author on the list that you haven't read, make a purchase today, go to the library, or borrow from a friend. 

Now it's your turn. Tell me some of your favorite Christian Fiction authors, and then journey through these links. You'll find web sites, facebook pages, and twitter accounts. Great writers are artists of words. Enjoy their weaving of tales that keep us turning pages.

Take time to visit the family fiction site.


  1. I've only read Lewis and Tolkien (and love them) and Rivers. Will have to check out the others...

  2. Read all but Ted Dekker will have to look into his books : )

  3. Terri Blackstock, Brandilyn Collins, Angie Hunt

  4. Laura Frantz, Kelly Marie Long, Julie Klassen, Liz Curtis Higgs, Deanne Gist and MaryLu Tyndall are some who come immediately to mind!
