It’s Spring, and three chicks wanted to play.
The rain stopped and they hopped out of the nest.
“Don’t wander too far, and be watchful.” Mother Hen said.
“We will!” they replied and scurried away.
They began singing as they played.
They sang of Mother Hen,
Of the cow grazing in the pasture,
Of the rainbow in the sky.
They didn’t see the fox hiding behind the tree.
The three ran and twirled and thought only of their fun.
The fox snuck toward them as quiet as could be,
And just before he could leap
Mother Hen beat her wings and squawked her warning!
The fox ran, not wanting to fight for his breakfast today.
Mother Hen turned to her three chicks and hugged them close.
“Be watchful while you play, and know I’m always here.” she said.
The four danced and sang together througout the rest of the day.