My topic for the IWSG is your real support group. Do you have those people that cheer you on in your writing? Do you have those that tell you the truth? Do you have someone who loves you no matter what? Surround yourself with people who encourage your creativity, inspire, give constructive criticism, and make you a better you.
There will always be those that try to tear you down. The only way they can is if you allow them. You are only the best you possible when YOU believe in YOU.
I stopped writing for a long time when I asked for one opinion. One person shot me down, and I allowed that negativity to destroy the flow of words. It's one opinion. I am a writer. I write my life. There is no greater joy than to share my work with others. But, I write for me. Writing is like breathing.
Take a deep breath fellow writer. Take a long look to the road ahead, and get ready. The blank page awaits.