"We write for five minutes flat. All on the same prompt that I post here at 1 minute past midnight EST every Friday. And we connect on Twitter with the hashtag#FiveMinuteFriday {and on Thursday night with #FMFParty}.
No extreme editing; no worrying about perfect grammar, font, or punctuation.
Unscripted. Unedited. Real."
You know the term you are what you eat, well I'll give you one better.... You are what you say.
There's so much information out there these days on what we should be, how we should see ourselves, and what we should expect from others. But the one thing that bothers me more than anything, is that for some reason women think they have to obtain a level of perfection to be accepted in this world, and if that level isn't reached then by all means, let's criticize everything we do.
Women never feel like they've done enough for their families or their friends. They think they never do enough for their husbands or their jobs. The only thing we have is right now. Today. It isn't going to make you or break you. Your best is in you just waiting to come out and all you have to really do is be you. Never try to become something you're not. Never settle for second best just because it makes someone else happy.
You have to the power within you to be all you want to be, but just be happy with who you are and the rest of the world will follow! Be the voice for all women around you. Let them see your strength by the things you say about YOU.