Friday, December 8, 2017

The Gingerbread Man Adventures!

I wear many hats in life, as do we all. One of the favorite parts of my life is teaching. I'm a writer, yes, but teaching is part of the beauty of me. I live it! I love it! I teach Pre-K, and I have a rambunctious, wonderfully sweet, amazing class of kids at the age of four!

This Christmas season the class made a collaborative Gingerbread Man after we had Gingerbread as our theme for the week. As gingerbread man are prone to do, ours ran away! He has been having grand adventures all around the world!

Friends are downloading his picture, enlarging, cutting him out and taking pictures everywhere! If you would like to join in the fun, his picture is below. You can post your pictures in the comment section below, and I will share them in class next week!

We are having a snow day here so a friend took him outside and made a snowman!

Have fun, sweet friends! 

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Always Time to Write

Someone asked me a day or so ago if I had written anything lately. I said I was editing a piece of work. Written anything.... nope! Writing is like any other skill. It must be practiced. I've always told others to write each day! Keep writing! There's always something to write about!

I sit here without inspiration. I sit here without motivation. I sit here without the joy of writing.

However, with the IWSG, I feel like I can take a deep breath and move forward. Time to just do this! Time to get my manuscript in the hands of a publisher. Time to finish my next manuscript. Time to create something new and wonderful! What genre.... I surprised myself with my second novel, so who knows. You'll just have to stick around to find out!

I look forward to sharing my process and my success with those who drop by my blog for a visit. Come back soon, and don't forget to say hello! There's always time for friends, and always time to write!

Now, back to the joy of who I am.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Five Minute Friday.... CONNECT

I've always enjoyed being a part of the Five Minute Friday group. If you would like to join in the fun, hop over and like the FMF facebook page.

We take the prompt word and write whatever comes to mind for 5 minutes. This week's word is.....

Ready, set, go.........

We often fail to really connect with other people. I am guilty of doing so myself. I am a textbook introvert so I can easily not talk to people and move right along with my life. I get busy with my family and with my work and tend to neglect everyone else. So, my dear friends, I apologize for not making effort, but I intend to change that.

I love spending time with my fabulous four, but as they get older they will be moving away to college (yeah, try next fall!). I want to make it a point to connect with my children on a daily basis so that when the time comes for them to spread their wings they can fly with the foundation of family. We connect as we laugh. We connect as we cry together. We connect as we pray. Daily connection with the people you love comes through quality time. It's my Love Language... that's a different story.

So as we connect, reconnect, disconnect.... be sure to take time to have quality time to connect with the people in your life. Make this the priority the keeps you going!

Hey, let's connect!

An added note: We are still watching the eagles! It has been so amazing to watch the hatching and the feeding! Hop over and see on the Eagle Cam.