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The word for today is VALUE.
Value of time. I've been so consumed with work and getting everything done that I don't think about time. I'm starting today with my crew to take inventory of our time. To think about how we use our time. To consider how we are wasting our time. When my four were younger, I was creative on how we spent time together. Time together is a luxury now that I have two kids in college. They may not always be home at the same time.
We try to take time to go to my mom's when we are all together, and ht her house, time seems to stand still. We value time together there. We laugh, play games, or just be. We are seeing, as a family, that time together is precious.
During the Christmas holiday my entire crew will be home, and we intend to place more value on the time we have together. Planning for family time is important with so much going on in all our lives. I think if I can pass on anything to my children it's to learn to appreciate time together. We've always made time for each other, but getting older makes it harder. The gift of time is a gift to be valued.