Saturday, February 15, 2025

Five Minute Friday - BUT


Five Minute Friday is a community of writers joining in writing fun each Friday! The word for this week is BUT. 

There comes a time when we look at our lives and decide we want to change. However, as soon as we decide that, obstacles begin to appear and we start declaring the proverbial "BUT" to deter us from the bettering of our lives. I could do this..... BUT. I wanted to do this.... BUT. 

The only way to overcome the BUT that wants to slow us is to know that it's coming. Thankfully we have second chances. We get the do overs that keep us constantly changing, constantly rearranging our ideas. The only way to overcome the BUT is to not put so much pressure on ourselves. 

Give yourself a break, make a goal you know you can achieve, know that obstacles will come, and know you can overcome the BUT that keeps you from changing. 

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