C is for the unpacking of my coo-coo clock. Now this is not an ordinary coo-coo clock. It's special, as most coo-coo clocks are. This particular one is special because it was given to me by my daddy. You see, my daddy had rheumatoid arthritis, and it made his fingers curve over to the sides. However, when he decided he wanted to do something he did it, and his disability never stopped him. He learned to build and repair clocks, and a lot of what he couldn't do with his hands he learned to do with special tools and magnets. I do miss him so, but when my clocks chime or when my coo-coo clock sounds off, I smile and remember his determination, his love for knowledge, and his joy in loving my kids.
When he passed away, I only had two children, yet he gave me enough antique clocks that all four will have one when they have their own homes. Me... well, I'm keeping the coo-coo clock.