Saturday, February 15, 2025

Five Minute Friday - BUT


Five Minute Friday is a community of writers joining in writing fun each Friday! The word for this week is BUT. 

There comes a time when we look at our lives and decide we want to change. However, as soon as we decide that, obstacles begin to appear and we start declaring the proverbial "BUT" to deter us from the bettering of our lives. I could do this..... BUT. I wanted to do this.... BUT. 

The only way to overcome the BUT that wants to slow us is to know that it's coming. Thankfully we have second chances. We get the do overs that keep us constantly changing, constantly rearranging our ideas. The only way to overcome the BUT is to not put so much pressure on ourselves. 

Give yourself a break, make a goal you know you can achieve, know that obstacles will come, and know you can overcome the BUT that keeps you from changing. 

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Right Song at the Right Time

Every now and then a song will come along that says all you want to say. This is just that song! 
Hearts will break, healing will come, and listing to the right song can give you your power back! 

Find this young man on all social media and follow him on this fabulous Friday. He deserves all the recognition. Enjoy!

Jamie Miller - Nothing to Miss

What's a song that has gotten you through tough times? We need a playlist of songs just like this! 

Monday, June 10, 2024

Find Your Reset

It's summer break for me, or as I like to call it the season of restoration. Teacher burnout is real! Burning out in life is real! I suck at marketing my books because I burnout. I have pretty much lost the flow of this blog too.


I was getting up every day and exercising for at least 30 minutes before work.... then burnout! 

I'm cleaning out every cabinet and every closet.... burnout! 

I'm completely revamping the things I teach for the next school year... burnout! 

Heart broken... same old story... burnout! (So done with that)

Here's the definition of burnout - physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress. (I felt like a house of cards... collasping in on itself).

I came across a tiktok today of a beautiful man that just showed up on my for you page. He spoke with kindness and peace in his voice and he reminded me to breathe. I promise I wasn't. So I did. I stopped. I breathed. It was nice! 

I shouldn't burn out and neither should you! This world is ready to chew me up and spit me out if I allow it. I felt like this year has been one for the books! I resolved that I just didn't like people, but in all reality, I can pinpoint the exact moments of my burnout. I'm a nice person, and I love my family and friends, but I've needed a M-O-M-E-N-T to collect myself lately. 

Seems like I'm always talking about getting out in front of it... like Frankie Heck... but in reality, you better find your reset button. It is NECESSARY! 

I'll never pursue happiness or perfection, but I'm all for peace and joy! 
Restoration... that's the brain fog lifting! 
I think I'll go write for a while and enjoy a strong cup of coffee. 

Reset, restore... get ready for more! Live the good life and pursue peace! 

What do you do for your reset? 


Saturday, April 13, 2024

All Things Paranormal With a Few Writerly Things on the Side Letter I


All Things Paranormal
Let's start with a trip to Indiana! This is one of my favorite places I've seen others INVESTIGATE
Want to have some fun? Hop over and read about the Randolph County Asylum

On the site there are other places listed for investigation. You can even go stay the night! While I consider myself brave, I don't know that I could make it for an entire night. Would you? 

Of Writerly Things... I is for Ink

My fun word... Letter I. Oh, I'm using this one soon! 

All Things Paranormal and With a Few Writerly Things on the Side Letter H

H is for Headphones

The noise reducing nature of the ear covers reduces hearing external sound and questions being asked during an Estes Session. (Check out my Letter E post). The padded earpads help the person focus on only the sounds and words they hear coming from the spirit box.

I've seen a lot of investigators do the estes sessions. I think I'm too big of a coward to do one!!

Of Writerly Things... H is for Hemingway


As a writer, using personal hurts can be a great way to develop characters! Sometimes my true fans will ask if I write about myself. Mostly... no, but we can't help but reflect who we are into what we create. 

My fun word for the day.... 

Monday, April 8, 2024

All Things Paranormal and With a Few Writerly Things on the Side Letter G

Ghost Bo


Join the April blog A to Z Challenge! Hop around and say hello to everyone! My theme this month is All Things Paranormal With a Few Writerly Things on the Side. I chose this theme because I have a paranormal short story coming out at the end of this month!! I can't wait to share it with you! 

All things paranormal G is for Ghost Box
Some ghost hunters believe that spirits can communicate through radio transmissions.

G is for Ghost Tours - I had a great time on a ghost tour in Mobile, AL. If you ever have a chance to go on one, please do! You'll have great stories to share! Our guide took us to haunted sites where we got out of the van and walked around.

If you want to follow a great ghost hunter, check out Ghost Girl Always on tiktok. She's great fun!

Of Writerly Things - Encouragement from Gerth

See if you can use this word today! 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

All Things Paranormal Letter F


During a paranormal investigation you can use a small mag light. When the top is twisted slightly the light doesn't come on, but any energy in the room can use this device to turn on the light.

Of writerly things