Thursday, April 4, 2024

All Things Paranormal WIth a Few Writerly Things on the Side Letter D


D is for Dowsing Rods

The dowsing rods move in a way that is meaningful to the user. While asking your question you can learn how your rods asnwer. Typical movements: The rods turn in an outward motion = NO, Inward motion = YES, Straight forward = NEUTRAL
I've used these once on a ghost hunting tour in Mobile, Alabama. My rods didn't turn outward or inward. They began to spin! The tour guide said she had never seen that before. What did it mean? A little scary... YES! Fun though!

Of Writerly Things - D is for Dialogue.
For some it's a strength. I LOVE writing dialogue. How about you? Click the picture below to find out more.

Our fun word for the day. D is for....

Writing Encouragment - D is for DO SOMETHING. I think all of you have a story to tell. Tell it! While you're in th process, it's the doing that gives you all the tools you need to make your writing exciting!
D is for Drafts - I'm editing my short story SPIRIT ECHO, and I'm on the third draft. I always feel like it can be better. It's going through edits, and hopefully it will be ready for release by the end of April! We shall see! Do you like short stories?


  1. Interesting. I was just writing something for an upcoming post and I was going to talk about dowsing, but dropped it. Maybe I should re-add it now!
    Tim Brannan, The Other Side blog
    2024 A to Z of Dungeons & Dragons, Celebrating 50 Years of D&D

  2. I have to admit, I am partial to the "Do something" -- it's been a busy few weeks and that's a great reminder to keep "doing"

  3. I, too, love writing dialogue. It's the stuff that makes our characters come to life and adds a great dimension to their personalities our readers wouldn't otherwise pick up on. Great post!
